Pet euthanasia

Mobile Pet Euthanasia (Ontario)

2 Humbling and Heart Warming Stories About Mobile, In-Home Pet Euthanasia in Ontario

Our Dog Toby

I loved my dog Toby.

He was my best friend and we had him for many years. I got him when I turned 16 and had him into my adult years and he moved with me when I left the house to be on my own. It has been so many years and we did almost everything together and I miss him so much.

Why do I miss him? Because he’s no longer with us. Here’s how it all went down…

One day I noticed he wasn’t as active as his was before. I thought he wasn’t adjusting to my girlfriend moving in the house so I paid no attention to it. Then after a couple of days I noticed that he was no eating as well.

I decided to take Toby to the vet so he could get a check up to see what was happening. The worst was confirmed. Toby was sick and after some tests it was confirmed that he had an illness that had him in chronic pain and he was suffering.

I was so surprised that my dog was going through this and I didn’t know and worse; I couldn’t do anything about it. I was advised that he wouldn’t get better and would feel pain daily for the rest of his life.

Tobbie the dog who left

Tough Decisions for Pet Owners:

I had to make the decision to have him Euthanized. It was a sad decision to have my long time loved pet euthanized but Dr. Judy of Velyvis Veterinary helped us through this process. She was caring and compassionate and helped us get through this difficult time.

I don’t know how we would have done this without her. She came by the house and performed her pet euthanasia duties peacefully and respectfully.

She understood the emotional time we were going through. I’m glad we made that choice to put my best friend to sleep peacefully, and under the care of someone who does just that – Cares…


Mindy was a cat that we bought for mom to keep her company when she retired. Mindy was the perfect gift as Dad was no longer around she needed something to occupy her time. Mindy the cat was there for her for many years and truly made her happy to take care of her.

Cats Doing Cat Things…

I remember Mindy loved to eat and curl up with Mom. Those are great memories to have and it keeps her spirit alive. It is also a life well lived that help us to remember Mindy in a positive way.

How did things get to this point though? Mindy started to get old and wasn’t as nimble as she was when she was younger. She couldn’t move as freely anymore and her age started to show. You could tell by the jumps not landing quite like they used to. A typical time that a cat’s time is coming.

It was a hard decision to make but we needed to do this as Mindy could barely go on as herself comfortably. We needed to take her out of her misery and we needed to do it quickly.

It was hard for Mom to lose her cat but she understood what needed to be done. It’s a hard decision to make, but when you realize that pet euthanasia is actually in the best interest of the animal, it becomes the logical choice.

Mindy the cat

Emotions, How Strange They Can Be in Regards to Pet Suffering…

Sometimes our emotions have a way of extending suffering, rather than limiting it.

We contacted Dr. Judy from Velyvis Veterinary, and she explained the whole process of putting down your pets to us so we would be comfortable and have the full understanding.

She is very responsive, understanding and overall a great calming spirit. She made us get through this difficult time. I cannot think of anyone else who would be as accommodating and welcoming as she was.

We planned it all out for the euthanasia to occur one evening. It was to be done and Dr. Judy came out to the house. She calmed our nerves and raised our spirits, and then put Mindy down to sleep in a peaceful way.

We accepted what had just happened and sent Mindy on to the next life in a way we could manage and not regret.

I would recommend the service of Velyvis Veterinary to anyone. You love your pet and want to give them the best when they have to leave this life. Think with your soul, and you’ll realize that sometimes a peaceful release is the best path forward.

Summary of Pet Departures

Can we think of our pets differently?

Or is the love we feel for them exactly the ‘different’ we need? An unconditional love for another being that is void of personal conflict and strange petty nonsense?

If we are to take this tact, and look at our beloved pets as a love sanctuary, then we ought to show them love beyond what – maybe they see as petty human emotion? – and allow them to move on in peace.

Surely no living being wants to suffer; animal, or human.

Let the release come when you choose. Sometimes mother nature takes too long… Or perhaps, she takes just as long as necessary? Who are we to judge?

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