The most popular dog names in Ottawa

Phinous Martha ChubbChubbs and Jaroslav the Tsar walk among us.

It’s true.

Both are dogs. Phinous, a female, Jaroslav, a male.

These are good dog names. And they’re all good dogs, aren’t they? (Some of the names, on the other hand … ) 

What breed of dogs Phinous and Jaroslav are, couldn’t tell you. Just that they exist. And they’re just two of the 29,718 dogs registered with the City of Ottawa. The city kindly provided the Citizen with a list of all dog and cat names in town — at least those that are registered with the city. 

And they’re great. Alfred Reginald FuzzyTrousers is another top contender. Sam (aka Winnin Big Time). Commander Cody Pickleman is ruler of someone’s living room.

And The Dark Lord Voldemort, presumably, is out menacing the townspeople.

Ottawa's hot dog names

But, leaving aside the amusing (OK, weird) names, the top choice in Ottawa for a dog is Bailey — there are 314 of them. Cute.

Next, there are 299 Maggies. (Or some variation, as there are some Maggie Maes and one Maggie Tequila Mexico Gallant. There are, additionally, four Maggys.)

There are 69 Hunters. There are 132 Bears.

48 Brunos.

29 Molsons.

9 Scruffys.

8 Chewbaccas.

9 Homers.

6 Khaleesis (after Game of Thrones character Daenerys Targaryen).

4 Poochies (the ill-fated one-time character in The Simpsons show Itchy and Scratchy).

3 Scooby Doos (and 1 Scooby Do)

1 Root Beer.

1 Princess Leia.

1 Jesus Murphy.

1 Jacques Daniel Wooferson.

1 Dreadnaught.

1 Gandalf, two Shadowfax (Both from Lord of the Rings.)

2 Harley Quinns (from Suicide Squad)

It gives a look into the inner lives of Ottawans. Buy a dog, you’ve got to come up with a name.

Ottawa, with its reputation for being boring, shows a certain flair on the dog names. Sometimes. There are, after all, 7,615 unique names. 

There are only two Rovers, for example. But … 36 Snoopys. 

But, also, there are some politics nerds out there, naming their pups after people of the past.

There’s one Mackenzie King. One Diefenbaker. One Darcy McGee. One Bytown. Two Rideaus. Two Trudeaus (no first name, though.) One Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt Jr. Three Napoleons.

Then, the truly, truly uninspired: There’s one New Dog.

And there’s one dog simply named … Dog.

Poor girl.

The top 20 Ottawa dog names

Bailey – 314
Maggie – 299
Charlie – 295
Bella – 292
Molly – 289
Max – 272
Buddy – 262
Daisy – 235
Toby – 214
Jake – 168
Riley – 156
Zoe – 146
Lucy – 141
Cooper – 138
Sadie – 135
Bear – 132
Rocky – 128
Abby – 126
Stella – 121
Luna – 115

Disclosure: There are thousands of registered, but unnamed, dogs. So, in some regards “PLEASE PROVIDE” is the most popular name in town…

Original Source:

Publishing Information: 18 Sep, 2017 By Tyler Dawson

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