BC pet-friendly housing petition reaches 10,000 signatures | Daily Hive Vancouver
Original Source: http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/pet-friendly-housing-bc-petition-10000-signatures
Publishing Information: 02 Oct, 2017 By Jenni Sheppard
Original Source: http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/pet-friendly-housing-bc-petition-10000-signatures
Publishing Information: 02 Oct, 2017 By Jenni Sheppard
Kelly Frankenburg specializes in newborn and infant photography at her home-based studio, 11 Sixteen Photography, in Richmond, Virginia. Usually those newborns are human, but when she started fostering a rescued Chihuahua and her 3 puppies, she knew a photo shoot was in order. Image courtesy of 11 Sixteen Photography Frankenburg and her family recently started…
An influx in the number of dogs and cats at the City of Calgary’s animal services centre has prompted the City to reduce adoption rates this weekend in recognition of national Adopt a Shelter Pet day. Beginning Saturday, April 28 and continuing through Monday, April 30, the cost of adopting a dog or cat from…
ShareAdjust The city of Vancouver has the most pampered pets in Canada, according to data released by Amazon.ca. Amazon’s fifth annual pampered pets list was compiled using sales data for pet related items from Amazon.ca from August 2016 to August 2017 on a per capita basis in cities with more than 100,000 residents. Sales data…
Animals, Life This Canadian startup lets dog lovers borrow a dog Original Source: http://dailyhive.com/toronto/dogtime-borrow-a-dog-2017 Publishing Information: 13 Sep, 2017 By
Almost a year ago, we got a new-to-us puppy, a yellow lab named Daisy. She’s a good dog, we think, and has been right from the beginning. But she’s a puppy, and as our trainer constantly reminds us, puppies are knuckleheads. Adorable, enthusiastic, and sweet-as-can-be knuckleheads, but knuckleheads all the same. We’ve been working diligently…
2 Humbling and Heart Warming Stories About Mobile, In-Home Pet Euthanasia in Ontario Our Dog Toby I loved my dog Toby. He was my best friend and we had him for many years. I got him when I turned 16 and had him into my adult years and he moved with me when I left…